Skyline Prom 2010
Prom was really different from mormon prom. Our day activity for prom was the best though! We started of by getting into team(date), wearing matching shirts, and going on a scavenger hunt around town. At noon we met up at Freestone park and had a picnic under a tree next to the pond :) it was so cute. Then we went ice blocking and had a blast racing down the hit. When to got to prom and walked into the hanger there was a big airplane right infront of our face...that was pretty cool. The dancing was very different from mormon prom and I felt so out of place. A year ago this wouldn't have been the case but now it's so wierd. It still turned out pretty good though.

Mormon Prom 2010
Mormon prom turned out to be a lot of fun. For our day activity we went bowling and had a blast messing around. When we got to the dance they had us walk up this pretty red carpet and get our pictures taken with our dates. The Dj was really cool and let us request so many songs. Me and Brea had so much fun dancing with each other and making up our own line dances.